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Man with Book

English 350:  Science, Technology, and Literature of Cultural Change

Welcome to our course. Science fiction has a way of asking us difficult questions as a society.  In our section of Science, Technology, and Literature of Cultural Change we will consider these issues by looking through four themes:  Dystopian Worlds; Time Travel; Apocalyptic Events; and Aliens, Monsters, and Zombies.


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Home: Welcome


In order to prepare for the upcoming semester, please review the course syllabus and find information about the course goals, reading and resources, class breakdown and more. Questions? No problem! Get in touch today.

Home: Syllabus

Class Overview

The links below provide details on weekly work in the units.

Home: Class Overview


A brief description of assignments

Desk with Book

Blog or Vlogs

Fridays by midnight

In order to be participating in the course, actively thinking about ideas, and preparing for the Microtheme Essays you will be creating a response and posting it to Blackboard.  You can choose to write your response or create a video.  Written responses should be a minimum of 150 words and video responses should be a minimum of 3 minutes.  Occasionally, I will showcase exceptional posts to the class via announcements the following day.



Microtheme 1, Unit 1:  Due 9/27

Microtheme 2, Unit 2: Due 10/25

Microtheme 3, Unit 3: Due 11/15

by midnight

Microtheme Essays will be your opportunity to consider some of the themes that you are reading about in our course.  They will explore themes in our units will be ways to expand upon ideas that you explored in your blogs/vlogs. 

You will complete 3 microthemes during the semester.  You will create one microthme for units 1, 2, and 3.  You can choose which weekly material you want to use to focus your paper on or work with several.  They will be due the Sunday after the unit is completed.

4 pages MLA or APA format.



Notebook and Pen

Midterm Video Response

Sunday, October 25 by midnight

At mid-term each of you will create a 6-minute video that considers the intersection between technology and science fiction.  This video should analyze what ethical issues are addressed in two of the course narratives.  You should be able to think of possible directions for this video through the Microtheme Essays and the daily blog/vlog postings.

Final Responses and Projects

Friday, December 18th by 5 pm

The final project will consist of a response and a project.

Green Typewriter
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