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English 333: Advanced Composition for Future Teachers

Course Description


This course in Advanced Composition will engage you in some of the pedagogical, theoretical, and political dynamics of teaching writing in elementary, middle, and secondary schools,  and colleges as well as offer instruction in sound writing principles in your own work.  According to the CSUC catalog, it is designed for advanced practice in writing and the classroom uses of writing for single-and multiple-subject credential candidates.


Over the course, you will learn about inquiry—an effective and inclusive pedagogy for teaching writing (and other subjects) in the classroom.  To this end, the major course assignments require you to read and respond to materials on inquiry, build online projects that share your work, and write two research essays about inquiry in the classroom.  By the end of the course, I hope you will all not only comprehend the concept of inquiry but come to know yourselves better as writers and future teachers of our students.


It is my hope that you will glean knowledge about writing, and reading practices that include:  scaffolding assignments; looking at what works and doesn’t work so well in the writing classroom; how students relate to reading and writing, and that these aspects will be able to translate to any writing classroom from elementary school to college.  I have, myself, fumbled over the years to find ways to make the writing classroom experience work for my students.  You will have the opportunity to consider some of my successes and my many failures in hopes that you will be able to create your own successful classrooms.


You should be prepared to spend at least four hours a week reading and responding during the week and work over the weekend, too.  I know that many of you may not have opted for an online class. I am here to help you. Please don't struggle alone.  Reach out to me. I am available for one-on-one Zoom meetings. 


Please make sure that you have good internet access and a strong computer system.  Feel free to contact me at with any questions. 

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