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General Education Requirements

English 130, “Academic Writing,” is a core General Education course that introduces you to the challenges of university level writing, reading, and critical thinking.  This course uses writing to develop your scholarly curiosity.  To do this, instructors focus on:


  • deepening your research skills,

  • developing your ability to read and respond to difficult texts, and

  • helping you through the writing process in a social, collaborative, revision-focused environment. 


In English 130 you will meet GE student learning outcomes for Written Communication (WC) and Academic Inquiry (AI).  All writing-intensive GE courses require a minimum of 2,500 words, and students enrolled in English 130 must demonstrate the ability to criticize, analyze, and advocate ideas with persuasive force in writing. A grade of C- or better is needed to pass this course.


In this class, you will:

  • AI 1: Write and read in order to question, investigate, and draw conclusions about ideas and issues on a selected subject

  • AI 2: Find, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and interpret primary and interpret primary and secondary sources and integrating your own ideas with those of others

  • WC 1: Learn and apply discipline-specific genre conventions such as organizational styles, forms of evidentiary support, modes of presentation, and citation practices

  • WC 2: Revise texts to craft focused arguments for specific audiences and purposes

  • WC 3: Engage in peer response activities, and incorporate instructor feedback into revised drafts of selected writing assignments

  • WC 4:  Reduce errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling.


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