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Terms of Use, Digtal Etiquette & Syllabus Disclaimer


Terms of Use

Information from this website can be used in conjuction with academic purposes only. This website is the intellectual property of Kelly T. Candelaria and can only be used with permission.

Digital Etiquette

Blogs and writings posted on this website are not private but public.  Please make sure that you are aware that not only our class will see your postings and blogs.  Be aware that when you are speaking via text, blogs, or videos you are doing so in a public arena.  Please use proper online etiquette.  Inappropriate language will not be tolerated


Digital etiquette or netiquette as it is sometimes called, is a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you. It's just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life. When you instant message, chat, or email someone over the Internet, they can't see your face to tell if you're teasing them or saying something in jest. How do you practice good Netiquette? It's simple just treat others as you want to be treated with courtesy and respect. People know these rules but usually do not follow them when using the Internet. This includes hacking others computer, downloading illegally, plagiarism, and using bad language on the Internet.

Syllabus Disclaimer

Serious effort and consideration were used in formulating the syllabus. While viewed as an educational contract, unforeseen events may cause changes to the scheduling of exercises, quizzes, etc. Every effort will be made NOT to change scheduled items.  Nonetheless, I reserve the right to make any changes deemed necessary to best fulfill the course objectives. Students registered for this course will be made aware of any changes in a timely fashion using reasonable means.  This disclaimer does not abrogate any student rights as described by University rules and regulations. 

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